Thursday, May 30, 2013

Are Planes Sexy?

My 90 year old aunt is truly a character from a best selling work of fiction. She came from a traditional Italian family and when both her sister and brother died, she was left with the responsibility of taking care of her parents. That meant giving up her apartment in the city and her exciting single life.

Instead of following her passion, Jean took a job in aerospace. And, for the next 20+ years she put her life on hold as she fulfilled her duties as the sole surviving child.

Despite all the odds, she did manage to be successful in both her life and career and although she never married, she led an active social life. Jean is a true artist, not a crafter like me, but she has always enjoyed looking at my Vintage Journals. She recently made the comment that one could never make a Vintage Journal about aerospace because it wasn’t sexy. I beg to differ Aunt Jean.

This is the first page of the Vintage Airplane Journal. It needed to set the tone of the Journal, so I chose my stamps carefully. Using VLVstamps I think I succeeded. Do you?


  1. clap clap clap! it's sexy and it knows it :) lol! wow, can not wait for you finish this one!!! laura lulu

  2. Nailed it! Aunt Jean will be blown away - you are both stars! xx Michelle

  3. Ellen - if there was a verse made for you ---> that's the one. Love the concept & the cover~ Can't wait to see more. Thanks so much for sharing - Kim
